Saturday, September 26, 2020

Rules by Cynthia Lord


Rules by Cynthia Lord: 

Author Information:

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If the bathroom door is closed, knock! (especially if Catherine has a friend over).

Say thank you when someone gives you a present (even if you don't like it).

Don't stand in front of the TV when other people are watching it.

A boy takes off his shirt to swim, but not his shorts.

Some people think they know who you are, when really they don't.

No toys in the fishtank.

Twelve year old Catherine just wants a normal life, but she thinks that's impossible with a family that revolves around her brother's autism.

But what is normal?

Short Review:

KidPost Book of the Week, Washington Post

"The appealing, credible narrator at the heart of Lord's debut novel will draw in readers, as she struggles to find order and balance in her life.... A rewarding story that may well inspire readers to think about others' points of view." Publishers Weekly


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